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Wellness Coaching

Spiritual & Emotional Welness Coaching

These sessions will look at emotional, physical and spiritual wellness from both a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective and a Western Medicine perspective.   They are 1 hour in duration and can be done virtually or in person.  We will be working with the Wheel of Health to determine where any imbalances may be, and base a protocol on those findings.  


For patients wanting to discuss anything post treatment,  I now have a 1/2 hour time slot set up for those conversations by phone, zoom or in person.

Book an appointment at the clinic


Call Chris @ 604 928 7688 to book an in-home appointment

"I can't thank you enough for being here from the start of my journey.  Your openness and guidance has helped me to stay open to everything that has and will come.  Thank you!"


 A Closer look at the Components of Health and Healing

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